Dating And Relationships

In the world of Dating and Relationships, there are a few things to consider:

Cure Premature E:  This is a real issue for many men in Dating and Relationships.  Here is the Cure.  A Natural way to cure Premature and Unsatisfying Love Making.  Trying this is something that can make not only your life better, but your relationships as well.

Guys Improve your Love Life:  Learn how to really impress and be amazing in bed.  Complete access to the techniques and education are to be found in this informative and educating training.  Find out How YOU can Be a  Better Love Partner HERE:

dating and relationships


dating and relationships

It all starts with getting into the woman’s mindset and allowing her to think it was her idea to begin with. This will lead you two down the path toward a perfect partnership.

 Secrets of a Blissful Relationship

Become that husband your mom and sisters dreamed about but never had. The Secret in Dating and Relationships  is to take good notes on what things blissful couples do differently. These will help with those who have the typical relationships full of ups and downs. It all began when the Author of this book interviewed couples who He deeply admired. Then he took their decades of wisdom to heart and brought them about in his own marriage. He already knew a lot of what he should and shouldn’t do if his marriage was to be the marriage of the elusive top 1%.  

It wasn’t before long that friends, co-workers and people that barely knew him began to ask him the “secret of marriage success”. They saw that he both loved and adored his wife and that she respected and honored him.

That They NEVER FOUGHT.    

Years into the marriage the romance was still there shining brightly. After what must have been the 100th person asking him to “share Your secrets.” He took it to heart and eventually published his first book, The Romantic’s Guide.  Here are some tips from that book:   

                                                                                          Eleven Secrets of Success For Dating and Relationships

1. Finding a partner is itself a project.This requires time and energy. If  you want  a long-term relationship, approach it with your goals in mind. Your mindset is key: Start by knowing that you are in control of the entire process.

2. If you’re looking online, do your personal profile with a friend — this will help you lighten things up. Don’t boast, don’t put yourself down. Be funny, short and concise. No need to sound too cutesy. A photo that shows you actively engaged in your interests is good because it gives information without words.

3. Scan profiles selectively. Pick out three or four guys or girls that grab your attention. When you do decide to contact someone, refer to a remark he/she made in their profile. If someone shows an interest in your profile, remember that you are not obligated to respond unless you want to. You are  the one in control.                                                                                                                                                       STILL MORE:

4. With several prospects selected, start exchanging emails.  Limit your emails to no more than two or three before suggesting  you meet up. Anyone who prolongs emailing is not interested in a relationship. He/she loves to email flirt! Avoid this person —they could be married, in another relationship or just a creeper!.

5. Arrange for coffee or drinks at a convenient location for the two of you. Talk about things you like. Don’t do the boring, simple questions everyone else asks! Be on time — showing up is at least 50% of success!

6. Pay attention to each other to balance out the conversation. Does he dominate? Do you? Are you finding common interests? Avoid talking about your problems. Do not give advice even if they are begging for it; this is a bad way to start. Stay upbeat. Make sure your phone is turned OFF to avoid that distraction.                                                                                                                                                           MORE IMPORTANTLY:

7. On first dates, make sure you have other plans afterward and keep them, regardless of how things are going. If you’re underwhelmed with this person, you will have a good escape route.  Even if you are having a great time and don’t want to leave, stick to your previous plan. If you are interested, say so upon parting ways. This may sound way forward, but there is nothing wrong about being clear and upbeat.

8. Offer to split the check. Nowadays, single, college-educated women under the age of 30 are often making more money than men, so don’t stand on ceremony waiting for him to pay. Nothing wrong with being up front about it either!

9. Wait to see who  initiates an email or text. If either doesn’t, cross them off your list. They’re just not interested or unavailable. Start over.

10. If they email or text, or  even make the extra effort to phone, respond, but move along and suggest meeting up again. This should be a real date with a firm agenda. Make sure you keep it spontaneous. Start with something like “Let’s try Tuesday,” don’t bother putting it on your calendar. It’s just not likely to happen.

11. After you’ve first met, beware of texts that arrive at odd times and are friendly but unaccompanied by a suggestion of a date. These are false starting moves that suggest more intimacy than what is real. Don’t be taken in. Most likely, They’re bored and  just playing with their phone. Respond only if you have seen them in person within the last week.